

I work with many interesting people for many projects these days include producing pop up shop, buying upcoming brands for my clients retail stores in Tokyo and many other occasions. Those people are very inspiring, highly motivated and I always love spending time together.
My recent back to Japan, I had a chance to visit Mr.Takashi Kumagai private house in Hayama city and impressed with how he creates his beautiful moutain/ocean house.
Everthing you see there are touched of him including greens, flowers, tiles, kitchen, bathroom, and first glance may seem chaotic, but you will realize that every items take their own part and make one house completely beautiful and perfect.
I have been working with him for the cool project now that is about to launch in Tokyo in March and you will get to see it soon!!

Jiro Dreams Of Sushi

There are so many good sushi places in New York, Los Angeles and may be few other major cities in USA. I have tried many many places with many many people, and one thing I know for sure is that there would be no comparison with excellent sushi places in Tokyo. I took some of my friends from NY to my favorite place in Tokyo and they were so impressed by their presentations, atmosphere, freshness and ofcourse the taste. It is very different from ones in here, no hard feeling, but it is true. Especially this Mr.Jiro is considered the best in a market. If you are sushi freak, you should see this and go to Tokyo. I will come with you!!




My favorite hotel in Tokyo - Four Seasons Chinzan-so

Since 1992, Four Seasons Chinzan-so has contributed to provide higher quality of western hotel services in Japan and done it very successfully. Now we have all the major foreign afflliated hotels in Japan and they all studied a lot from this long established place.
Shocking news was released today that this parent company, Fujita Kanko and Canada based Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts have decided to end their relationship at the end of this year.
This news may not be a big deal to most of you guys, but for me, it is a big deal since this hotel was our family often place to go to have a lunch, dinner for our special occasions. To tell you a truth, most of the resturants in a hotel are ok, but still I have lots of memory with them.
I should go there for my next trip to Tokyo in March.

今日、ショッキングなニュースが飛び込んできた。フォーシーズンホテル椿山荘 東京と、カナダに拠点を置く、フォーシーズンとの提携解消だ。年内で終了!!


Cool Tokyo Traffic Sign

I miss these things in Tokyo. I am not sure how much we can cut cost utilizing these guys, but here in US, we still see real worker doing this.


Been cleaned

I stepped into my house after work and found these. What's up with my heros!! My son has played with them so long and they had to be cleaned.......Now they are been dried.


First ski of the season - 初滑り

New Year with Skiing! スキーで新年を迎える

Blue ski with white snow? Where is snow??  本日、快晴。沢山の雪?に囲まれて??
Warm season start, but machine snow was not too bad.  かなり暖冬。でもここの人工雪の質は、グッド。
He is ready too!!  賢也もレディー!
He is struggling with boots.....確かにバックルは、時間かかる。。。。。


Happy New Year!!


              Year Of The Dragon


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