
Time for this?

It has been really humid in a city and love it and hate it. I am not sure if I appreciate this climate, but big NO! to frigit cold weather no more.

If this contiues, you better prepare to ride some bike and cruising city with river breeze! Central park would be nice, hudson river side also would be nice, but difinately not inside manhatthan to really enjoy riding like these bikes.

They are simple, and cool and very your style ride.

Mr. Francesco Bertelli has done such good things for New Yorker for this coming Spring/Summer time. His company, BERTELLI NEW YORK CITY will assembled by hand with unique parts that he finds brand new or very new old from flea market, old bikeshops, collectors and he has nice network of suppliers! And ofcourse, he will finished and fine-tuned by himself.

I have checked his stocks and they are all sold out.

Come on Mr. Bertelli! You need to assemble more and assemble very quickly!!

Let's enjoy this weather !!



この時期になると、やたらと新しい自転車を探すクセがある。特に自転車が好きな訳でないが、何でも格好いいのがベターに決まっている理由からだ。今乗っている物は、8年ほど前に購入したSpecializedのROAD/CITY両方OKな、BAR HANDLEのシルバーボディー。常に乗っていないが、結構気に入っている。乗り換える予定は全くないが、先述したとおり、リサーチをした。いきなり見つけた、今年の星!ニューヨーク在住のFrancesco Bertelli氏、どこかのイタリアンシェフみたいな名前だが、BERTELLI NEW YORK CITY というカスタムバイクの会社を経営している。ここでは、Francesco自身が見つけくる新品から、新しいビンテージパーツを彼流にアレンジし、販売している。






Here are the stores I like best in NYC right now. Many of you must know them, if you are so curious about new things, happening, underground, culture, cool, different........Anyway I am talking about Project No.8.

Duo Brian Janusiak and Elizabeth Beer has launched this between art and commerce in fashion store in chinatown as their 8th collaborative project few years ago and now they offer 2 other stores in NYC. One in LES as mens store and the other at ACE HOTEL as travel store. BTW first store in chinatown is for ladies.

Each store is a full of craftsmanship and ideas of art and fashion meets, and simple glance of store probably would not tell you what they offer. You need to come in with inquiring mind to find things with excitment.

Thier store makes it so unique, not because they carry unfamiliar brands, they offer very much intriguing selections of what duo respect at very reasonable prices.

Come in and take a look at these cool store, I call " ARTFASHION CONVENIENCE STORE"


そんな中、今ニューヨークで群を抜く提案をしているショップがある。数年前に、チャイナタウンに登場したレディースオンリーショップを皮切りに、ローワーイーストのメンズショップ、最近はACE HOTEL内にトラベラーグッズ中心のショップを展開するProject No.8だ。


Project No.8の魅力は、お店に入ってサァーっと軽く見渡す程度では、何を販売しているかの把握は出来ない。ゆっくりと冷静に店内を歩くと、これも面白い!あれも面白い!などと次々とユニーク且つクールなプロダクトに出会う事が出来る。でも、Project No.8が、本当に素晴らしいのは、殆どの商品が、とても買い易い価格設定になっていること。結局は、格好いいだけで、買えなければ何の意味もないですから。今、とても旬なニューヨークのショップです。



I was in Tokyo for 2 weeks after the earthquake happened. I was little hesitent to go there first, but had to go due to my new business that has just established in Japan. I was nervous just because I have been watching TV and hear too much of situation in Japan now.
As soon as I saw my family and that made me relax little, but during my 2 weeks stay, and 2nd week, we had at least 3 times of aftershocks every day and each shake were big one. If anyone who never experienced earthquake, it would freak you out.
When I was living there, I never felt comfortable with it, but I could handle it. Since I have been away for more than 10 years and especially been in New York City, Manhattan where people never had any earthquake before... well some say we had before, but I doubt it.... that aftershocks will make you quite and nervous. I see cracks in my house, friends bar, everywhere you go and see, there are some damages from the shaking.
I was little sad to see my home city Tokyo been damaged and really hope for people there to be able to spend normal life soon. And ofcourse, people in Tohoku area has been suffering tremendously and really really hope that things will get better, especially with nuclear plant issues.
Viva Tokyo! Viva Japan!!




How come men do not have much choices when it comes with jewerly? Women is the only one that have so many chioces? Well, please see the below collection. There is a collection call BLACK LIMITED EDITION in New York City. They offer 6 models and each model only has 50 limited pieces and when they sell out, there will be no more complete collection like this. I met a man behind this wonderful collection and he has given me an exclusive deal for Japanese market for the year of 2011. BIOTOP adam et rope will be the one to get this deal and will be launching in a store very soon. You need to run to get this!! ジュエリーと聞くと、殆どの人が、女性の物と考えるのが普通ですか?私に言わせると、とんでもない!!!男性も、多いにエンジョイすべきカテゴリーである。特に日本の男性は、時計に対する愛情が深いと思う。車も、男のジュエリーとして意識度が高いが、何しろ高すぎて、殆どの人にとって本当の夢話である。でも時計となると、少し背伸びすれば”買っちゃった。。。。。”的な至福の瞬間を味わえることが出来る。今回ご紹介するのは、BLACK LIMITED EDITIONという、真っ黒なめちゃくちゃ渋い、最高な状態のビンテージローレックスのみをベースに使用した、とてもスペシャルなコレクションです。ニューヨークをベースに、レストラン事業や、アートのコレクターとして知られるオーナーがDAYDREAMER PROJECTというプロジェクトの一環で始めたコレクションだ。以下にある6つのモデルのみでアレンジされ、すべて超限定品。ストックが尽きたら終了!何ともスペシャルなこのジュエリーは、日本では当分の間は、白金のBIOTOP adam et ropeのみの限定販売となる。これは、買うしかないでしょ!!