

Saturdays Magazine

Saturdays Surf NYCから、初のマガジンが創刊

今春、NYに次ぐ2店舗目のフラッグシップショップとして、東京・代官山にショップをオープンしたSATURDAYS SURF NYCから、初のマガジン「Saturdays Magazine」が創刊された。編集長は、ディレクターの一人でもあるコリン・タンストール。


[問]Saturdays Surf NYC
Tel : 03-5459-503

We're excited to introduce the first issue of Saturdays Magazine. It will reflect an attitude about life and living--a state of being through words and images. Surfing is the thread we share in our city of ideas and culture. Balance is something we try to represent, and is a theme for the issue with our cover split in half.
Colin Tunstall, Editor-in-Chief

Saturdays Magazine Issue #001
Summer 2012

・290 pages perfect bound.
・15 Q&A's, from Sean MacPherson, Mike D,Kohei Chiba, Vicent Cassel to Bob Melet and more.

・9 image portfolio's from Walter Iooss, Art Brewer, Mark Hartman, Jason Polan to Curtis Kulig and more.



End Of Summer

Tomorrow at Le Bain. We will call it End Of Summer. Can't believe it is almost September, damn....
明日、SATURDAYS SURFのちょっとしたイベントが、The Standard HotelのLe Bainであります。End of Summerだそうですが、もう終わり?夏は、買付けで忙しく、サマー満喫し切れていない!


Billboard in Tokyo

I was in Tokyo for 3 days last week and saw this billboards everywhere.
I saw him at least 10-15 locations per day. That is a lot!!
Eikichi Yazawa is in music business since 1972 and he is well known to have warm supporters for a long time.
How much would it cost to have one billboard? He is spending rediculously amount for this new album promotions.