

Wow, I can not believe I am posting about NIVEA CREME on my blog!

I have not used this skin care prodcut since I was 6 yeads old? But NIVEA CREME is very intimacy to me if that is a too much of expression, they are not stranger to me.

I am not sure how big it is in USA, but they are big in Japan. How big? as big as Cocoa Cola?? Nahhh.... Probably big as VAPORUB.
This may not click many of you people, but there are some brand that penetrate into market really well and we all think they are our own proudly national brand.

I was so sure that NIVEA was a Japanese brand till very recently and very surprised to find out they are German brand and I am not proud myself to say that thought VAPORUB was also Japanese, but they are VICK'S company in US.......

Well that iconic brand, NIVEA CREME is celebrating their 100th anniversary and they are celebrating in Milan with an imaginative video installation!! That is so cool and who would want to go to the party????

There are many brand that has establsihed as global brand name that people do not know where they came from except like Coca Cola or McDonald. Everybody knows they are American, right? may be??

Let me test you how much you know about brands.

Hyundai Korea

TDK Japan

BOSE America

NOKIA Finland




H&M Sweden



Did you know all of it?


このような超国際ブランドが、世の中に多く存在しますが、代表格は、コカコーラでしょうか?それともマクドナルド?この二つは、余りにもメジャーすぎて、殆どの人がアメリカのブランドということを知っていることでしょう??英語では、このような国際的企業のことを、mutinational companyと呼びます。ニベアクリームも、multinational company(brand)になると思いませんか?そのニベアクリームが、今年で100周年を迎え、ミラノで大々的にイベントパーティーを催したそうです。招待される人は、どのような関係者なのでしょう?生産関係?パッケージデザイン関係?大ファン関係?こういうタイプのパーティーにも、セレブや、ソーシャライツが来て、”まー元気!”的なナイトライフ社交が存在するのかな?学生時代の自分だったら、顔を出していたと思う。



Taxi of Tomorrow

As many of new yorkers may know already that after long debate about what would be the next New York City taxi since 2007, we finally have it!

It is NV200 desgined by Nissan North America. What might surprised many of you is that city has chosen only this car for next 10 years starting from 2013. Wow, what a politics!

Now we have at least 6-7 different models, say Ford Escape, town car, Toyota highlander, Chevy mini van, sometimes we see Volkswagen and I am sure more taxi models are out there. But within few years, we will only get to ride with this one style. I am not too sure it is good or bad, but you will have no options.

It looks like we will have much bigger space than now. I feel terrible for many big Americans trying to fit in a cab. Like Ford escape mini suv type, even I feel very unconfortable being inside.

There are some features I should mention about this new guy;

Anti-bacterial, Non-stick seats

Independent passenger climate contorls

Filtered interior air

passenger charging stations (regular outlet and USB ports)

reading light

Horn light to reduce horn usage

ability to be manufactured with fully electric to name few......

If cab today are economy class, we are about to experience the business class cab in a city!

Let's enjoy upgrade ride !!


デザイン面では、特に驚くほどのクリエーションではないが、驚いたのは、2013年から徐々に運行が始まるニューキャブは、この1モデルだけに絞られる。何か大きな政治力が動いたのか?現在までは、知っている限りでも、7-8種類のキャブが存在する。その中でも、Fordのcrown victoriaは特に多いいが、色が全てイエローなので、最終的には、あまり種類は関係ない的な考えになるような気がする。どうだろう?でも今回は、間違いなく日産が得をしたと思うし、勝利だね。この点は、今後の口のうるさい連中の間で、大きな論議となるだろう。






クラクションライト (推測ですが、騒音軽減策として、音よりライトビームでクラクション作用)

完全電気自動車用に生産可能な車種 (これも微妙な表現ですね。って事は、今は電気自動車でないということですね。恐らく)




Beautiful Machines

TAKA-Q PORSHE 956 & 962C


Here are my most favorite racing team/cars ever exsisted. TAKA-Q RACING TEAM!!

TAKA-Q PORSHE raced at Le Mans 24 hours and they came in 7th place in 1987. By the way TAKA-Q also joined with French apparel brand, NEWMAN and sponsored same JOEST RACING TEAM and won Le Mans in 1984.

TAKA-Q TOYOTA had 800 horsepower and won the title at Suzuka Circuit, I believe in 1988? Not sure, but they were strong.

I just simply loved their coloring and smart looking body designs. And I am very proud to say that TAKA-Q RACING TEAM was owned by my grand father!!

He was the coolest guy I know, and he was mid 70 years old when he was a owner.

It is my absolute dream to have my own racing team too. Let's see how much would cost me to own 4 racing cars.......

Wish me luck!!



Osama Bin Laden was killed yesterday and will we be facing with fear from terrorists agian? I am not sure, but we can not let it happen and need to have a strong spirit. It has been a decade since we lost WTC and personally I am ready to have new WTC to build strogner NYC once again and welcome more people to our city.
This is the most recent images of New World Trade Center and it is under construction for 5 new skyscrapers and schedule to complete by the fourth quater of 2013.

あの美しいWorld Trade Centerが、マンハッタンの町並みから姿を消して、早10年以上が経つ。個人的には、Empire State Building, Chrysler Building以外にも、そろそろ新しいランドマークが、マンハッタンには必要と感じ始めている。
そこで、2013年後半に、完成予定の次世代World Trade Centerの画像を入手したので、紹介します。場所は勿論、元々WTCがあった所。5つの新しい商業ビルを予定し、それ以外には、9/11メモリアルミュージーアム、地下鉄、モール、アートセンターなどが造られる予定。