from absolute te-ma & company
This is how you start a day |
The house we rented |
boys secret talk |
finding best spot for lunch |
discussing the route |
Climb to top |
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FEIT is opening its first New York retail store. Please join us
for a private viewing on November 19th from 6 - 9 pm, corner of Prince and
The design of the space is a collaborative effort between Tull Price and interactive artist Jordana Maisie titled Raw Elements of Construction. The space is made up of raw materials that represent the FEIT ethos and process - Baltic birch, concrete, raw timber, and hanging leathers are featured. Upon entering the store, cascading planes emerge from the existing architecture and a split-level display showcases the FEIT collection. The layout allows for a revealing look behind the scenes to where the FEIT showroom and repairs is located, and installation displays connect the customer to the shoemaking process
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Your custom shirts event with HAMILTON SHIRTS CO at THE TOWNHOUSE has started.
Please plan the details and come by the store!! トッドスナイダー、The Townhouseにて、アメリカ老舗シャツのHamilton Shirts Coのカスタムシャツ受注会を開催中です。 是非この機会に、自分だけのシャツをカスタムしてください!
6-18-14 Jingumae Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Japan
As I have mentioned before that I am really into GOLD on anything these days. Don't get me wrong, any GOLD would not necessary work for me. BAMFORD did it though. This time they came up with matte GOLD, not blacked out watch finish.....This is a beautiful pieces to wear. Damn.....matte GOLD..... beautiful. well done. 欲しい、でも買わない。買えない? |
SATURDAYS SURF NYC will open the 3rd store in Japan in Nagoya on October.4. We will have very limited t-shirts for the opening and we can not wait to see you there! More information, please contact us. Yes! [SATURDAYS SURF NYC(サタデーズ サーフ ニューヨーク)]が10月4日(土)、名古屋・栄に新店舗SATURDAYS SURF NYC 名古屋店をオープンさせる。 代官山、神戸に次ぐ待望の国内3店舗目となるSATURDAYS SURF NYC 名古屋店は、「都会と自然」双方を愛する人々に向けた新たなコミュニティスペースとして提案。[SATURDAYS SURF NYC]が名古屋店のためだけにデザインした、限定Tシャツも販売されることとなっており、オープン当日は多くの人出で賑わいそうだ。 その他、店舗の詳細に関しては以下よりご確認を。 【SATURDAYS SURF NYC 名古屋店】 2014年10月4日(土)オープン 愛知県名古屋市中区栄3-19-6 名城線「矢場町」/東山線「栄」 徒歩5分 TEL:052-265-6447(10月4日(土)開通) 営業時間:11:00~20:00 http://www.saturdaysnyc.com/ |