Hi Thom
I have no intentions of revealing your personal life, but you can be so secretive sometimes and found this in Architectural Digest that I had to share this with my community. Here is what it said;
Set on a tree-lined block in Greenwich Village, his apartment building is prime Manhattan real estate. But when Browne decided to move out of his old place, on Central Park West, he wasn’t focused on any particular location—it was a glorious terrace he was after. “I looked for more than a year,” he says. “It could have been uptown, I didn’t care. New York has so many interesting neighborhoods.” Perseverance paid off. The one-bedroom flat, a compact 800 square feet or so, is surrounded by some 300 square feet of outdoor space with sweeping views, enabling Browne to gaze out from beneath a striped awning at the Chrysler Building or the new World Trade Center tower.
トムブラウンの自宅の紹介が、Architectural Digestに載っていましたので、ここでご紹介。とてもプライベートな事なので、ブログはどうなの?的な迷いは無く、ただただ好奇心一杯。
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