
BARNEYS NEW YORK blog by Junko Takaku (culture)



VERY BARNEYS!なニューヨーク情報を現地在住の高久純子さんがお伝えいたします。
「ミートパッキング」というその名の通り、かつ てこのエリアは、マンハッタン随一の食肉市場があり、現在残っているビルのほとんどが、精肉業者の作業場だったのだが、現在はその面影はどこにもない。そ して、このエリアの劇的な変貌ぶりを、地元ニューヨーカーたちも驚嘆をもって見守っている。
そんなミートパッキングエリアに、あの米国現代美術の殿堂ホイットニー美術館がやってきた!同エリア再開発のきっかけともなった空中遊歩道「ハイラ インパーク」のスタート地点に、今年5月1日に華々しくオープンしたホイットニー美術館は、以前の2倍の面積を誇る広々としたつくりになっている。美術館 然とした、敷居の高さを一切感じさせないオープンなデザインは、ポンピドゥセンターやエルメス銀座店などを手がけた建築家によるもの。各階に大きな窓があ り、ハイラインパークを含めた摩天楼が一望できるとあって、すでに大混雑の夜景スポットにもなっている。美術館1Fにあるカリスマシェフ、ダニー・マイ ヤー氏のレストラン「UNTITLED」も、たちまちのうちに、ランチ・ディナーともに予約至難に!かしこまって美術館鑑賞というよりは、「気軽におしゃ れにアートを楽しもう」という提案に、ホイットニー美術館の新たな方向性を感じることができる。

美術館の並びには、話題の食べ歩き天国「GANSEVOORT MARKET」が昨年末にオープン。フードコートと呼ぶには、おしゃれ過ぎるこのスポットは、NYの歴史的建造物にも指定されている200年の歴史がある ビルを改築したもの。ここには、ホイットニー美術館を訪れた人々が吸い込まれるように立ち寄る。それもそのはず、人々のお目あては、話題のNYフードベン ダー。東海岸で取れた新鮮なロブスターをふんだんに使ったロブスターロールで有名な「LOBSTER BAR」や、最近NY的進化をとげて注目のクレープ専門店「CRAPE SUCRE」など、厳選されたラインナップが魅力。自然光が差し込むコミューナルテーブルのイートインコーナーは、平日でさえ常に満員の賑わいぶり。

* * *
COVER: View from Gansevoort Street. Photographed by Ed Lederman, 2015.
(absolute te-ma & company)


Todd Snyder Spring/Summer 2016 | New York Fashion Week: Men's

What a week this week with New York Men's Fashion Week.

We had veterans, already established, up and coming brands of America all got together at downtown of New York City at effective timing for the men's business very first time.

Here, I must report you how awesome Todd Snyder show was and it was huge success.

Thank you to all the Todd Snyder customers, retailers, friends, and business partner for the continuing support.

We are coming at bigger than ever and please sit tight to see S/S16' collections in stores next Spring.


Todd Snyder in NEW YORK TIMES

Todd Snyder, a Designer Raised in Iowa, Is Big in Japan


A former high school football player, Mr. Snyder is the guy who modernized J. Crew’s tailored clothes to attract a generation for which a suit was still an exotic garment; who anticipated that formal wear, of all things, would turn out to be of interest for male millennials; and who initiated many of the collaborations with heritage labels (Alden, Red Wing, Timex) that became a template for the J. Crew Liquor Store, itself now the model for the reinvention of the haberdashery.

Yet even after leaving J. Crew at 40 to found his own label, after being nominated for a C.F.D.A. award and after being named one of GQ’s best new men’s wear designers, Mr. Snyder remained an under-the-radar talent.

“The very first show he did, the first real show on models, just blew me away,” said Madeline Weeks, the fashion director of GQ, referring to Mr. Snyder’s 2011 New York Fashion Week presentation.
Editors went on to prove their enthusiasm by photographing Channing Tatum, John Legend and the cast of “Saturday Night Live” in Mr. Snyder’s clothes.
Still, he generated little of the buzz that has accompanied other debuts, and that, too, may have had something to do with Mr. Snyder’s Midwestern reserve.
“There’s just not a big ego there,” Ms. Weeks said.
Then, in a turn of events few could have anticipated, Todd Snyder suddenly became famous. If not quite a rock star, he is suddenly a mini-cult figure, a Next Big Thing, a fashion name to know. If it happens you are unaware of this recent turn of events, that is probably because it took place in Japan.
Backed by the same group of Japanese investors who made the low-key British designer Margaret Howell into a phenomenon far from home, Mr. Snyder opened a three-story concept store in the Shibuya district of Tokyo last March. It was his own steroidal version of the J. Crew Liquor Store, with elements of City Gym (a New York pop-up he opened this year in partnership with Champion) thrown in.

But they also find on the store’s lower level an array of the goods Mr. Snyder produces in collaboration with heritage brands he likes — including PF Flyers and Superior bags — along with a selection of vintage watches, fine cameras, art books, furniture, whiskeys and just about anything else that catches his practiced eye.
“That’s just something I’ve always been good at, making those connections,” Mr. Snyder said. “I found companies that never did collaborations before were pretty open to me. They weren’t threatened. Maybe it’s just an Iowa thing.”

While for Tatsuya Takaku, creative director of Anglobal Ltd. — which is supporting Mr. Snyder’s Japanese adventure — the Liquor Store concept was the designer’s initial selling point, it was the prospect of developing a new American designer for a market fixated on things with a Made in the U.S.A. label that held the most appeal.

“As Japanese, we are always eager to find another American designer, because we’re fascinated by American stuff,” Mr. Takaku said. “Japanese guys love Todd because he has such great basic offerings, but also because he can recommend a tuxedo jacket with terry cloth sweatpants.”
They apparently love him enough that, soon after his first store opened, he opened a second in Osaka, with plans underway to expand to Kyoto and Yokohama and other cities within the year.
“His is the classic overnight success that’s not an overnight success,” said Steven Kolb, executive director of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, who is relying on Mr. Snyder as one of the anchor designers for the weeklong men’s wear presentations in New York this month.
“Todd comes across like a very calm big brother,” Mr. Kolb said, adding that, unlike certain critical darlings whose businesses sputter once the initial hype has burned off, he is “mature and business focused, and that’s a good thing.”
Men of the millennial generation are in a “discovery phase” in their relationship to fashion, said Mr. Snyder, probably the only designer in the business to have spent his teenage summers detasseling corn. “They want to discover you, and then they need to know you’ll stand the test of time,” he said.
While the Japanese are the early adopters in the case of Mr. Snyder, it seems inevitable the homegrown market will follow.
“Todd Snyder corresponds with the tastes of a Japanese young generation, in a sense of making quite easy, relaxed, but at the same time quite detailed clothing,” said Masafumi Suzuki, the editor of GQ Japan.
“That is the attitude that rings the bell with a young Japanese man,” said Mr. Suzuki, who could just as easily have been describing young Americans.

7/9付けのNEW YORK TIMESに、Todd Snyderが大きく取り上げられました。
Todd Snyderブランドが、着実に日本市場で、認知されているといった内容です。

手前味噌ながら、私もJapan Creative Directorとして、インタビューを受けました。でもAnGlobal社のCreative Directorではないですけど。。。。(笑)