
This Neat Design Could Make a Plane’s Middle Seats Tolerable

Who would prefer sitting in the middle seats to travel?

Probably closer to none. I hate the spot and I will do everything I can to avoid middle seat.

I think people enroll the frequent flyer mileage program just to secure better seat. Of course being upgraded would be a big benefit being member but biggest reason is not to sit in the middle?

Now Molon labe seating is trying to convince airline companies to provide comfortable seating experiences for the middle seats.

These seats put the middle seat 2" lower and 3" pushes it back from side seats.

This layout allows for a middle expanse up to 23" wide as side seats at 18" standard size.

Also the armrests are staggered in height- the front half is a few inches higher than the back. That creates a natural divide where the passengers in the middle seats gets to use the back bit and neighbor gets the front. No more elbow wars!

The down sides is the lower seats might not be great for long-legged passengers.........Ok get someone to swap spots then!!

Make travel safe and comfortable for every single passengers.

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