
New York City Marathon 2023


Today is the New York City Marathon day and beautiful perfect temperature of low 60s for the runners.

It is 26.2 full run and more than 50,000 runners will participate.

I ran the New York City Marathon in 2001, 2 months after the September.11.

With " WE UNITE!!" slogan, whole New Yorkers showed up on the side street and cheered for New York City, world, and all runners. 

The crowds were from very beginning to the last finish line, a continuous line of people.

I remembered that when I passed the point of 10 miles left, exhaustion became obvious and had to stop running, but my body were running for the last 3 and half hours and my muscles would not let me stop from running, whole body cramped when I tried to stop.

I kept running and tried to stop but I could not stop, it was a tough time for 20 minutes of battle with myself.

Then I heard " You are looking great!, The goal is around the corner!! " entire people on the side street cheered for all runners and my motivation got high again and started running gracefully.

My time was 4:07:23 and this experience has become one of my very important event in New York City until today.

Good luck to all the runners and enjoy the moment!!!

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