May be people who is deeply involved in snowboard culture may know. I did not know till very recently.
Portland, OR based designer, Aaron Draplin is a popular creator in snowboard world now. His designs are bright, simple, eye catching and hard to forget once you witnessed.
His impressive work are recognized by impressive companies such as Burton, Ride, Forum snowboards etc and he has been responsible for designning many company logos.
if this still does not ring a bell for you, he is the one created the "FEILD NOTES".
If you still have no idea what I am talking about, you need to look around little more and find somethihg that interest you.
I love to ask him to logo my company!!
by Aaron Draplinというポートランド、オレゴンに拠点を置くデザイナーだ。
スノーボード雑誌のアートディレクターを経て、2004年に自らのDraplin Design Companyを設立。今ではBurtonを始め、多くの企業が彼の才能を認め、会社ロゴなどの依頼が殺到している。
彼の才能は、デザインだけにとどまらず、マーケティングでも発揮され、友人と立ち上げたノートブックブランドの" FIELD NOTES"は、アパレルショップを主に、今では全米で目にするほどのブランドになっている。
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