I have not used this skin care prodcut since I was 6 yeads old? But NIVEA CREME is very intimacy to me if that is a too much of expression, they are not stranger to me.
I am not sure how big it is in USA, but they are big in Japan. How big? as big as Cocoa Cola?? Nahhh.... Probably big as VAPORUB.
This may not click many of you people, but there are some brand that penetrate into market really well and we all think they are our own proudly national brand.
This may not click many of you people, but there are some brand that penetrate into market really well and we all think they are our own proudly national brand.
I was so sure that NIVEA was a Japanese brand till very recently and very surprised to find out they are German brand and I am not proud myself to say that thought VAPORUB was also Japanese, but they are VICK'S company in US.......
Well that iconic brand, NIVEA CREME is celebrating their 100th anniversary and they are celebrating in Milan with an imaginative video installation!! That is so cool and who would want to go to the party????
There are many brand that has establsihed as global brand name that people do not know where they came from except like Coca Cola or McDonald. Everybody knows they are American, right? may be??
Let me test you how much you know about brands.
Hyundai Korea
TDK Japan
BOSE America
NOKIA Finland
H&M Sweden
Did you know all of it?
このような超国際ブランドが、世の中に多く存在しますが、代表格は、コカコーラでしょうか?それともマクドナルド?この二つは、余りにもメジャーすぎて、殆どの人がアメリカのブランドということを知っていることでしょう??英語では、このような国際的企業のことを、mutinational companyと呼びます。ニベアクリームも、multinational company(brand)になると思いませんか?そのニベアクリームが、今年で100周年を迎え、ミラノで大々的にイベントパーティーを催したそうです。招待される人は、どのような関係者なのでしょう?生産関係?パッケージデザイン関係?大ファン関係?こういうタイプのパーティーにも、セレブや、ソーシャライツが来て、”まー元気!”的なナイトライフ社交が存在するのかな?学生時代の自分だったら、顔を出していたと思う。
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